Grief Coaches in Community Settings
In Community settings:
Community and home health nurses work with patients in their own environments and can often spot and intervene in family crises. The child who refuses to go to school, the man who refuses to learn how to give himself an insulin injection, and the family with a member dying at home are possible candidates for crisis intervention. Community health grief coaches are also in an ideal position to evaluate high risk families such as those with new babies, ill members,
recent deaths, and a history of difficulty coping.
Grief coaches in community mental health centres, department of psychiatry, managed care clinics, schools, occupational health centres, and home health agencies also may see patients in crisis such as those experiencing depression, anxiety, marital conflict, suicidal thoughts, illicit drug use, and traumatic responses.Community grief coaches also may develop crisis if they are not adequately prepared.Implementation of new programmes without awareness programme may be a difficult situation for the grief coaches. Sometimes counter transference may be stressful phenomena for the grief coaches. Unfavourable working conditions, lack of resources, cultural deviations, etc. also may cause crisis for grief coaches. Crisis intervention can be implemented in any setting and should be a competency skill of all medical providers.