Have You Stopped Dreaming?

As a result, they have mostly stopped dreaming because they didn't think it was feasible.
And sometimes, because people get mired in this belief system about how things must function, the anguish of really seeing what they have only imagined is worse than if they just locked it away in a closet and never saw it again.
Thus, worksheets are unavoidable when dealing with individuals, their enthusiasm, and a desire to delve further.
If they say, "Well, I don't really know what my passion is," let them know that it's okay. Are you going to be working with them, but also helping them analyze as they have no idea?
Help people understand that these are common trends for people, that you can build on smaller things to grow into bigger passions, and that it's just a part of letting the brain go, letting the brain expand, and letting the brain discover new things. You also want to help people understand that it's OK and normal for them to have some limitations in how they view their passions and what they believe.
With that in mind, one thing you may do while dealing with the people in this book is to actually start small.
Some of the activities that really satisfy them include taking walks in nature, going on nature hikes, reading certain books and publications, writing about certain subjects, learning new things, and engaging in activities that uplift their spirits.
And the more you can learn about the little things that they like, that cheer them up, that make them happy, the more you'll be able to convey it by asking them pointed questions.
How does it sound?
Do you like what you do? As an example, I discovered that I had a love for research when I considered my own company and the activities I like and for which I have a purpose.
I love doing extensive research and learning new things.
Why do they refer to me as Google?
When we discuss talents and other such topics, we'll go into greater detail about it.
But learning is a big part of what I'm passionate about.
Learning and being able to impart what I have learnt to others are my genuine passions.
What is your passion, however, if I were to ask them out first?
What are your plans?
What do you want?
Initially, many years ago, I would have said, "Oh, no," because what could I possible believe I could accomplish by only studying things and Googling things?
You know, you don't have many people look for that from point A to point B, but I understand that there doesn't have to be because people don't want to make associations right away and they don't have to. Instead, what happens is that as you start developing a better understanding of the passion, you can brainstorm on different ways to fulfill that passion, to fill that void, to truly drive home and following your passion.
To reiterate, it is quite effective for someone to start small if they are unsure about their area of interest. They should choose anything that brings them delight and analyze why this is the case, as well as what they would do with it.
Additionally, being able to elaborate and make a deeper case enables you to assist others in understanding the potential outcomes of their passion.
What does it matter if you could do this every day?
I'll give you a prime example.
Again, while speaking with your customers, using examples is crucial.
My acquaintance went to college, earned their bachelor's degree, and then pursued their master's.
Furthermore, I believe they received an accounting or anything like.
His main love, though, was snarkily we grew up in Puerto Rico, diving often.
And he loved activities like scuba diving.
But he chose the conventional path since, in his opinion, it was the best course of action and he already had a job and such.
He ultimately decided to resign from his position because he wanted to pursue his passion.
And, you know, talking about his own interests on purpose and things like that led him to establish a company that offered tours to the public, such as snorkeling and scuba diving excursions off the Texas coast.
So once again, they are not need to be aware because sometimes we do start placing restrictions on the what-ifs.
You know, as soon as we start talking about our passions, we sort of attempt to disguise them because we feel like we're already on the way.
This is what?
And what is that?
This is something I cannot do.
I am unable to carry out such action.
This existed in my life.
So, you know, if you could temporarily put things out of your mind and ask yourself, "Let's just imagine," what would your perfect situation be?
And once you begin doing that, you could begin to consider what might have been and come to comprehend.
These are some of the misconceptions they may have about their passion, and once more, observing their tonality and physical behavior while engaging in physical contact with them—such as how their posture changes and other such things—can help you identify some of the things they may be passionate about.
They could be limited in how they see things.
How then can they alter that?
How may some of those beliefs be altered?
Then there are some of the projects we'll be working on concurrently.
As we go through the curriculum, we'll also be working on developing manifestos, developing a vision, and other similar tasks.
Again, however, it's important to be able to identify how each person discovers their particular passion and vocation.
It's OK to let them know that they don't need to know what their passion is at this stage if they don't know it yet, I was told by a recruiter when I talked to them about this.
They are just experimenting.
They are gold miners.
You're aware that I mention doing research and genuinely finding your tribe in the Quantum Leap program.
You see, you're actually mining for gold, and you could find some gold in that mountain, you know, or you might discover something else that really makes people happy.
And as you continue to dig, you could begin to realize how that massive piece of gold will really change your life.
In order to maintain your focus, start small and keep building on that.